Below are a number of montages featuring UK Commercial Radio stations from the 1990s.
**All audio is downloadable – enjoy**
DISCLAIMER: All audio featured on this website remains the IP of the respective companies and is protected under copyright.
Part #1
Stations featured include Breeze, Gem AM, Invicta FM, London Newstalk, Mellow 1557, South Coast Radio, Touch AM and many, many more.
Part #2
Stations featured include Fame 1521, Fox FM, Heart 106.2 ‘London’, Radio Broadland, Sunshine 855, Virgin 1215, Yorkshire Coast Radio and many, many more.
Part #3
Stations featured include Elevenseventy AM, Clyde 1 FM, Galaxy 101, GWR FM. Ocean FM, Orchard FM, Rock FM. Spectrum 558 and many, many more.
Part #4
Stations featured include 2CR FM, Atlantic 252, Capital FM, Delta FM, Hallam FM, Heart FM ‘Birmingham’, Signal Gold, TFM, Viking FM and many, many more.
Part #5
Stations featured include CD 603, Fortune 1458, Fox FM, MFM, Radio Luxembourg, The Eagle ‘Bristol’ and many, many more.
Part #6
Stations featured include Classic Gold Gem, KFM, Lite FM, Mellow 1557, Northsound One, Talk Radio and many, many more.